Monday, March 14, 2016

Victoria Woodhull

Victoria Woodhull:

Presidential Candidate, Women's Suffrage Movement Leader, Wall Street Stock Broker 

"I come before you to declare that my sex are entitled to the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

“By what right do you refuse to accept the vote of a citizen of the United States?”
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  1. I think that Victoria had a lot of courage running for president even when women couldn't even vote

  2. I thought that her story was very entreating especially that she enjoyed talking to the dead instead of talking about life now

  3. I think that her early life was very interesting.

  4. Victoria was brave,strong and inspiring!

  5. She was very brave and always told the truth no matter what.

  6. I think she was very courageous, being that she ran for president. Women back then were hated for working at a position of which even a lower class man shared. She was a true activist in the women's suffrage movement.
